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Tomorrow … tomorrow would have been our 5th wedding anniversary. Staring at that sentence as I’ve just typed it feels very odd. It feels weird for something I would normally…

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I feel like I have been neglecting the blog lately, and I hate that. via But to be completely honest, there is a lot going on right now in my…

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Currently …

Here’s what I’m currently up to at the moment … via Currently …  [Listening] … to Ed Sheeran’s latest album, X, on repeat. That ginger’s got some soul. [Eating] … nothing…

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Where have you been?

Greetings, my lovelies! You may have noticed that things have been a little quiet here on the blog. Right now, I’m enjoying a short little vacation in Chicago, visiting a…

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Scenes from California

While I’m resting and trying to get back on East Coast time, here’s a look at my Los Angeles trip in photos, straight from my Instagram feed … (All images courtesy of…

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Right now, I am on a Virgin America flight bound for Los Angeles for a work trip …  (Source) New York will always be my home, my first love and…

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Snowy Day

Happy Tuesday, my lovelies! (Image courtesy of NYC Recessionista) I snapped this photo this morning on my way into work here in NYC … it’s a winter wonderland in the…

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September 11th.

 Every year on this day, I watch this segment to remember. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart September 20, 2001 “Good evening, and welcome to The Daily Show. We are back.…

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