Weekend Wants

Here are some things I’d love for this weekend … a.k.a. my Weekend Wants.

1) To enjoy the sunshine … the weather is supposed to be great this weekend — warm and sunny enough to melt the snow from the last couple of days. So I can’t wait to get outside and feel the warmth of the almost spring sunshine.


2) To do some blogging … this past week was crazy busy, and I hardly had any time or energy to blog at night when I got home from work. So this weekend I plan to catch up!  I also plan to do some pinning, too 🙂

3) To visit with friends and family … tomorrow, the hubs and I are heading upstate to visit with my family and friends, including Val who’s coming to visit from Pennsylvania with her son Jeffrey. Can’t wait to see these two!

(Image courtesy of NYC Recessionista)

4) To do some cooking …  I think I’d like to make a fab and filling salad tonight for dinner. Thinking of making this barbecued chicken salad …

5) To help find a home for Melvin … this adorable boy is up for adoption and is currently being fostered by one of my coworkers, who has made this FB page for him.  Please like Miracle for Melvin, share it with everyone you know and let’s find this dog a loving home. He so deserves it after everything he’s been through.

(Image courtesy of Miracle for Melvin)