Viewing posts in: Weekend Wonders

Weekend Wonders

It’s Friday night, y’all … and I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy for a Friday night in my life. via I’ll be spending the weekend unpacking in my…

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Weekend Wonders

Sigh … it’s Friday night. I’ve already taken a hot shower and slipped into my pajamas. I’m in the air conditioning, on the couch, watching TV. Pretty content right now.…

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Weekend Wonders

Happy Friday, my lovelies!  I’ve been a bit off the grid for the last couple of days … sorry about that. Work has been crazy, and to be honest I…

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Weekend Wonders

Wow … I am so excited for the long weekend. This week kicked my butt, and I cannot wait to just kick back and relax. via While you’re enjoying your…

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Weekend Wonders

Wow, y’all … this weekend kicked my butt!  I am so tired and mentally drained. I don’t know about you, but I am so ready to kick back and relax…

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Weekend Wonders

It’s the first weekend of October, all fall weather is officially upon us, y’all. The hubs and I are headed upstate for the wedding of one of my cousins on…

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Weekend Wonders

Hallelujah, it’s Friday. And it’s Fashion Week. via Saturday, I’m attending a Fashion Week party. I love having these little glimpses into that world. Hopefully you’re enjoying September so far…

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Weekend Wonders

Well, folks … it’s my last day as a 31-year-old. And I’m so ready to celebrate! via I hope whatever you have planned for this weekend makes you smile. Meanwhile,…

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Weekend Wonders

Hello there!  I am back from spending a few days in Chicago and looking forward to recharging my batteries this weekend … via I hope that you get to do…

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Weekend Wonders

It’s the freakin’ weekend, baby … I’m about to have me some fun. Shoes in Marrakech, via Here are 10 links to check out before your weekend: I’m sorry …  The…

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Weekend Wonders

It’s a dreary, rainy night here in NYC. A perfect night for staying in, getting takeout delivered, and watching old movies. via Hope y’all enjoy your weekend … in the…

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Weekend Wonders

It’s Friday night, and if you’re reading this, I’m probably on the verge of nodding off on the couch, watching mindless television after having enjoyed Chinese takeout.  It’s really what…

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Weekend Wonders

Hard to believe it’s already the first holiday weekend of the summer season …. via I hope that whatever you’ve got planned this Memorial Day weekend, that you have fun…

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Weekend Wonders

Happy Saturday, y’all! Cobblestones in Old San Juan, via Hope you’re enjoying your Saturday … in the meantime, here are 10 must-see links for your weekend: These made me laugh…

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