A Tube-a-thon for a good cause

You may remember that last week, I shared five totally fun videos that were part of The Fiesta Movement to unveil the 2014 Ford Fiesta.

Well, tonight at 9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT), you can watch some more YouTube videos and support a great cause at the same time.  Where I come from, we call that a no-brainer.

(Image courtesy of WhatsTrending.com

The Ford Fiesta Movement is presenting the 2nd Annual What’s Trending ‘Tube-a-thon’ – a live-streamed holiday party featuring celebrities and YouTube influencers.  If you’re a big fan of viral videos, then you’ll definitely want to check it out. There will be two hours of music, comedy, performances and much more.

Here’s where it gets charitable: Follow along with the hashtags #Tubeathon and #FiestaMovement … and for every tweet, What’sTrending.com and the Fiesta Movement will donate $1 to Covenant House, a non-profit dedicated to serving homeless youth with s network of shelters across America.

Even if you’re not able to watch the ‘Tube-a-thon’, you can still tweet tonight with those hashtags and make those donations happen!

NYC Recessionista

Editor’s Note: In the interest of full disclosure and just plain old honestly, this is a sponsored post and I’ve been compensated for my participation. The opinions expressed are my own!