The New York & Company $200 Work Week Challenge

Happy Saturday, fellow
recessionistas!  I’ve just accepted a really fun challenge that I wanted
to share with y’all:  The New York & Company $200 Work Week

Here’s the challenge: 
New York & Company wants to see if I can put together 5 days of wear-to-work-worthy outfits for under $200 … and
precisely how I do it.
Here’s how it will work:
They’re going to provide me with a gift card for $200 to go shopping at New York & Company.  I’ve
decided that I’m going to head to the store location nearest me – their NYC
flagship store on 58th and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan, where I spent Fashion’s Night Out with Stacy London back in September. 
Then I’ll document my shopping trip and
my purchases here on the blog, explaining my reasoning behind what I purchased
and how I’ll be putting things together, so you’ll learn tips and tricks for
making many different outfits from just a handful of pieces.
And as I’ve been doing over the last
couple of months, you’ll see the actual outfits I’ll be wearing every day to
work from what I’ve selected. While this could be a tough task, I am so ready
for it.
This is what being NYC Recessionista is
all about – trying to stretch your dollars without sacrificing style. Mixing
and matching in new and unexpected ways to get extra mileage out of your
clothes. Making the most of a limited budget.
So, stay tuned to the blog over the next
couple of weeks to see if I can succeed at this challenge, what ends up in my
shopping bag, and how I put it all together into a work week’s worth of

NYC Recessionista