New to NYC Recessionista: Recessionista Brides!

I am super excited to launch a brand new section of my blog … Recessionista Brides!

You’ll find it right, ahem, up there next to the contact button ๐Ÿ˜‰

Long-time readers of my NYC Recessionista might be familiar with my spin-off wedding planning blog, A Recessionista Ties The Knot, where I documented every step of my 2010 wedding planning and all of the joys of putting on a wedding in New York City on a budget …

Well, I genuinely missed blogging about weddings and sharing affordable wedding finds!

You’ll now see posts about anything & everything bridal popping up in my feed from time to time, and all of my wedding-related posts can be easily accessed through the link at the top. I’ve even imported all of my older posts, so you can read all about my wedding right here on NYC Recessionista.

If there’s something else you’d like to see here on NYC Recessionista or you have any wedding-related questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!

NYC Recessionista