Not Your Dad’s La-Z-Boy

I used to think of La-Z-Boy as just a recliner … but recently I learned that they have evolved into one of the most chic and modern furniture companies out there today. Who knew? And it’s making me want to pull a massive re-do on my entire living room.

Have you looked at their collections recently?  If you haven’t, you really owe it to yourself to peruse their website. They’ve added so many incredible fabrics, patterns and textures to complement their new pieces. I also love that they fit so well into the mid-century modern aesthetic that I love so much. Several of the pieces even have that retro Mad Men look I go crazy for.

Here are some of my favorite pieces from their website —

(Design by NYC Recessionista; images courtesy of La-Z-Boy)

And speaking of furniture … now that I am in my thirties, I’ve started to think about how a lot of the furniture that we still have is sort of “disposable” for lack of a better word.  You know exactly what I am talking about — that stage you find yourself in immediately after college when you’re still forced to buy super cheap and not-very-well-constructed furniture. It’s no way to live!

We did buy ourselves a proper dining room set after our wedding, and I don’t mind our current couch so much, but I would LOVE to be able to fill my house with all proper, grown up pieces of furniture.

And La-Z-Boy would be an amazing place to do that. Sigh.

PS – they’ve also called their fans “Comfortistas” … it’s like it’s meant to be, no?