10 things I learned at the IFB Conference

Yesterday, I attended the IFB Conference at Milk Studios. It was a very fun, interesting and overwhelming day. I have learned so much already in my nearly 4 years of blogging, and yet today I realized that I still have so much to learn.

The sky high heels at IFB.

Here are my top 10 takeaways from the day:

1. How active you are and what you say is more important than how many followers you have.

2. When you’re on Twitter, it’s still so important to write well and express yourself well — even in 140 characters.

3. Facebook is considered to be even more important than Twitter by some (good thing I just started a FB page then!).

4. Our blogs often interfere with our everyday lives (Ha!).

5. The mantra of your blog should dictate your content.  What’s your mantra?  Mine has always been “Limited means. Unlimited style.”

6. Readers want beautiful and interesting content. As part of this, everyone seems to be obsessed with Pinterest

7. You should ask yourself: Would you be interested to read what you write?

8. Feedback on your blog can be completely infectious.

9. Most bloggers are still blogging the “old school” way on their laptops as opposed to on their iPhones and/or iPads.

10. Your blog is basically your online style resume … it could even land you a job.

The panelists were very insightful, the people I met were really friendly, and I even had the chance to chat with two of my favorite bloggers 🙂  Do you recognize these two?

Tom and Lorenzo of Tom and Lorenzo. Love them!

All in all, it was a really great experience!

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